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NTUTCSL Job Opportunity

The Graduate Program of Teaching Chinese as a Second Language at National Taiwan University invites applications for 1 to 2 faculty positions at all ranks (Assistant/Associate/Full Professor) to begin in August 2018. 
General requirements:
Application for this position is open to scholars with a Ph.D. specialized in Teaching Chinese as a Second Language or related fields. Candidates specialized in the following fields will be given priority consideration: Chinese Language Teaching Method and Materials, Chinese Corpus Linguistics and Applications, Computer/Information Technology in Teaching Chinese as a Second Language. Responsibilities for the position include teaching, research, thesis supervision, student advising, and administrative services.
Applicants for a full professor position must have been a full professor (or research fellow) at other academic institutions. Applicants for an associate professor position must have been an associate professor (or associate research fellow) at other academic institutions. Applicants for assistant professor position must have a Ph.D. or have already been an assistant professor at other academic institutions.
The application package should include the following documents:
1. Two copies of résumé*
2. Two copies of list of selected publications submitted for review *
3. Two copies of list of complete publications *
4. Two copies of Ph.D. diploma and official transcripts of the highest degree
5. One copy of teaching certificate and/or employment certificate
6. Five copies of representative works published after August 2013. Please provide an abstract (no more than 500 characters) for each work written in Chinese. Please provide both a Chinese abstract (no more than 500 characters) and a Chinese summary (no more than 5000 characters) for
    each work written in languages other than Chinese.

7. Five copies of reference works published after August 2011
8. Additional supporting published works
9. Future course syllabi and research proposal (each course syllabus and research proposal should not exceed two A4 pages)
* The forms are available at the following link: (
The application should be sent via registered mail by September 15th, 2017 (postmark date) to the following address:
Chair’s Office, Graduate Program of Teaching Chinese as a Second Language
National Taiwan University
No.1, Sec. 4, Roosevelt Rd., Taipei, Taiwan, 106
The application material shall be returned upon request no later than 10 days after the announcement of the appointment. No late application will be accepted.

1. Applicants who have applied and used PhD dissertation as the representative work before must apply with a revised version of the work. In this case, a list of changes made in the revision should be provided. One can apply with the revised dissertation only once.
2. Our search committee will invite qualified candidates for an interview in Taipei. Candidates are responsible for their travel expenses.
Inquiries can be made to:
Miss Kai-Xiang Wu
Tel: 886-2-33661499